At present I maintain the following blogs:
– Simon’s blog on money and payments; with reviews of current developments,
– Financial history of Amsterdam: an English blog on the financial history of Amsterdam,
– Financieel Erfgoed: a Dutch blog on financial history projects
– Nederjazz: a blog on music/jazz.
Some of my favorite weblogs on payments are: the sites of Scott Loftesness (with Payment News), Dave Birch (with the Digital Money Forum and Tomorrow’s Transactions blog), Ian Grigg (with Financial Cryptography), Aneace Haddad (Aneace’s Blog) and Colin Henderson (the Bankwatch).
Older blogs
In 2001 I started out, as one of the early business-webloggers in the Netherlands. I used the weblog ‘Retail-Betaal-Gedachten’ to lay out my views on the developments in the Dutch retail payments industry. Similarly, when I set up an association for electronic money issuers in the Netherlands, 1.1a2 it’s website was a single blog page. For some time in 2013 and 204 I also maintained a blog on Financial History in the Financieele Dagblad.