Our terms of use and privacy statement (in Dutch, the binding version) can be found here.
What our terms of use briefly say is that you will:
- acknowledge all intellectual property-rights with respect to the materials on this website and provide for proper references whenever applicable,
- not excessively use, copy, paste or sell the articles, ideas etc on this website without our permission,
- not hold us liable for any damages as a result of external links, resources etc.
As for our privacy statement: we comply with the GDPR by limiting the amount of personal data that we process, eliminating as much as possible the individual features (IP-addresses). We have our processor agreements in place with Google, Mailchimp and Yourhosting webservices and any requests can be addressed to gdpr@simonl.org
Should you receive an e-mail from our organisation that is not meant for you please notify us and then delete the e-mail immediately. We are aware that some spam bots may be mis-using our domain names and cannot be held accountable for the consquences of that.